Studio INAMATT was founded by Ina Meijer and Matthijs van Cruijsen in 2001. Studio INAMATT specializes in spatial design and architecture. We combine a creative highly artistic and investigating approach with precise technical skills. Activities range from the restructuring of residential / retail spaces to defining the perfect colour and texture palette for monumental landmarks or the shaping of playful visual identities.


Design and colour concepts to entire restructurings of retail spaces.
Development of visual identities and style concepts.
Spacial design, renovation and restoration of privately owned houses.
Exhibition design, art concepts and educational projects.
Designs and concepts for public space, governmental organizations and schools.
Design and development of one-off products and pieces of furniture and design.
The people

Ina Meijer, Founder
like vulcano's and hot tubs

Matthijs van Cruijsen, Founder
his dreams are animated

Nico van Diem, Senior designer
10 hands and his hair only grows straight-up

Rilana de Hollander, junior designer

Lieke van der Kolk, junior designer

Christine Cuperus, Financial administrator
• 2017 – Winner Vredeman de Vriesprijs voor vormgeving
Project Sweet Nothing
Nominees: Linda de Haan, Martin Brandsma, Barbara Jonkers i.s.m. BW H Ontwerpers, Kr8werk, Elmo Vermijs, Claudy Jongstra and Studio INAMATT
Jury report: “They look beyond the borders of region, culture, identity and time.
• 2015 – Winner BNA Prize, category Private Houses
Brouwhuis, Oisterwijk
• 2014 – ADCN Lamp Packaging Design Award
Mama Sopa’s packaging design.
• 2013 – Winner Harrie Tillie Award
Nominees: Cruz Y Ortiz, Scholten & Baijings, Joris Laarman, Ruudt Peters and Studio INAMATT
2013 Harry Tillie Award, jury report: In the trail of architect Pierre Cuypers – the jury rapport of the Harry Tillie Award makes special mention of the multidisciplinary expertise that is central for the practice of studio INAMATT. In reference to Cuypers, INAMATT has in-house expertise that ranges from engineering to pattern design and printwork. With influences of the natural land and the artistic world this leads to a gesammtkunstwerk reminiscent of the practice of Cuypers.
• 2012 – Finalist Dutch Design Awards